Francesc Serratosa: Software


Belif Propagation: GED computed in linear time

Please cite:                                      

- P. Santacruz & F. Serratosa, Error-tolerant graph matching in linear computational cost using an initial small partial matching, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2019.


Function-Described Graphs (FDG)

Please cite:

- Francesc Serratosa, X. Cortés & A. Solé, Component Retrieval based on a Database of Graphs for Hand-Written Electronic-Scheme Digitalisation, Expert Systems With Applications 40, pp: 2493 -2502, 2013.

- Francesc Serratosa, R. Alquézar & A. Sanfeliu, Function-Described Graphs for modelling objects represented by attributed graphs, Pattern Recognition 36 (3), pp: 781-798, 2003.

- Francesc Serratosa, R. Alquézar & A. Sanfeliu, Synthesis of function-described graphs and clustering of attributed graphs, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 16 (6), pp: 621-655, 2002.

- A. Sanfeliu, Francesc Serratosa & R. Alquézar, Second-Order Random Graphs for modelling sets of Attributed Graphs and their application to object learning and recognition, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 18 (3), pp: 375-396, 2004.


Fast Bipartite Graph Matching (FBP)

Please cite:

- Francesc Serratosa, “Fast Computation of Bipartite Graph Matching”, Pattern Recognition Letters, 45, pp: 244–250, 2014.

- Francesc Serratosa, “Speeding up Fast Bipartite Graph Matching trough a new cost matrix”, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2015.

- Francesc Serratosa, Computation of Graph Edit Distance: Reasoning about Optimality and Speed-up, Image and Vision Computing, 40, pp: 38-48, 2015.

- Francesc Serratosa & Xavier Cortés, Graph Edit Distance: moving from global to local structure to solve the graph-matching problem, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2015.


Learning Deletion and Insertion Costs for Graph Edit Distance  

Please cite:

- Xavier Cortés & Francesc Serratosa, Learning Graph-Matching Edit-Costs based on the Optimality of the Oracle's Node Correspondences, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2015.


RP-Registration (Tiny set to Full set mapping) applied to Palmprint registration

Please cite:

- C. Moreno & F. Serratosa, Fast and Efficient Palmprint Identification of a Small Sample within a Full Image, Computación y Sistemas, 18 (4), pp: 683–691, 2014.

- C. Moreno, X. Cortés & F. Serratosa, Partial to Full Image Registration based on Candidate Positions and Multiple Correspondences, Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP2014, LNCS 8827, pp: 745–753, Mexico, 2014.


Consensus of a set of element’s correspondences

Please cite:

- C. Moreno & F. Serratosa, Consensus of Multiple Correspondences to increase the accuracy in Image Registration, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2015.

- C. Moreno & F. Serratosa, Consensus of Two Sets of Correspondences through Optimisation Functions, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2015.



Common Graph Labelling and Multiple Graph Matching

Please cite:

- A. Solé & F. Serratosa, Graduated Assignment Algorithm for Multiple Graph Matching based on a Common Labelling, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 27 (1), pp: 1350001 [27 pages], 2013.

- A. Solé & F. Serratosa, Models and Algorithms for computing the Common Labelling of a set of Attributed Graphs, Computer Vision and Image Understanding 115 (7), pp: 929-945, 2011.


Synthetic Graph Database generation

Please cite:

- F. Serratosa, A methodology to generate attributed graphs with a bounded graph edit distance for graph-matching testing, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 32 (11), pp: 1850038 (19 pages), 2018.



Francesc Serratosa