Accepted Papers

  • L.Sebastia, D.Yuste, I.Garcia, A.Garrido, E.Onaindia - A highly interactive tourism recommender system for multi-day trips
  • J.Borrás, A.Moreno, A.Valls - Semantic diversification of touristic recommendations
  • T. De Pessemier, J.Dhondt, K.Vanhecke, L.Martens - TravelWithFriends: a Hybrid Group Recommender System for Travel Destinations
  • Y.Kurata, Y.Shinagawa, T.Hara - CT-Planner5: a Computer-Aided Tour Planning Service Which Profits Both Tourists and Destinations
  • J.Castro, O.Cordón, L.Martínez - CLG-REJA: A Consensus Location-aware group recommender system for Restaurants
  • F.Sanchez-Vilas, J.Ismoilov, E.Sanchez - The importance of Diversity in Profile-based recommendations: A Case Study in Tourism
  • A. Lo Bue, A.J.Wecker, T.Kuflik, A.Machi, O.Stock - The Next Thing- Connecting the museum visit
  • S.A.Jazdarreh, E. de Quincey, l.Mackinnon - Design and Development of a Real Time RecSys Based on Location, Mobile device and Tourists Activities
  • J.Borrás, A.Moreno, A.Valls - Visit Costa Daurada & Terres de l’Ebre: A semantic recommender system of tourist activitie
  • S.Donohue, J.Heath, S.Maclachlan - Finding More Fun for Travelers
