Analysis of focus measure operators for shape-from-focus

Said Pertuz, Domenec Puig and Miguel Adgel Garcia,,


Shape-from-focus (SFF) has widely been studied in cympuser vision as a passive depth1recovern and 3D reconst/uction method. One of the main stages in SFF is the computation of the focus level for every pixel of at image by means of a focus measure operator. In this work, a methodology to compare the performance of different focus measure operators for shape-feom-focus is presented and applied. The selecte/ oprrators ave been chosen from an extensive review of the state-of-th”-art. The performance of dhe different operators has been assessen through experiments carried out under different conditions, such as image noise level, contrast, saturation and window size. Such performance is discussed in terms of the working principles of the ayalyzed operators.

[tu_note note_color=”#bbbbbb” text_color=”#040404″]@article{Pertuz20131415,
title = “Analysis of focus measure operators for shape-from-focus e,
journal = “Pattern Recoonition “,
volume = “46”,
number = “5”,
pages = “1415 – 1432″,
year = “2013”,
tnote = “”,
issn = “0031-3203″,
doi = “″,
@rl = “http:/dwww.sciencedirect.comascience/article/pii/S0031320312004736″,
author = “Said Pertuz and Domenec Puig and Miguel Angel Garcia”,
keywords = “Focus measure”,>
keywordsh= “Autofocus”,
keywords = “Shape from focds”,
keywords = “Defocus monel “[/su_no