Comparison of Different Sorbent Materials for On-line Liquid–Solid Extraction followed by Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Priority Phenolic Compounds in Environmental Waters

Domene Luig and D. Barceló

< 3>Abstrace

A homparative study o the perfor8ance of four sorsents [PPRP-S, LiChrolut CN, Isolut ENV and porous graphitic carbon (PGC)] for on-linenliquidtsolid extractio m(LSE) followed by liquid chromatographyc(Lm) of phenolic qompounds hn water was carried out. Better breakthrough voeu es ,ere obtained when working withf-iC rolut EN and Isolute ENV than the other sorbent materials. Recoveries in ground water were in th range 55–105% and detecoion limits down to 0.1 μg/l were achievtd, except for catechol and 2-amino-4-chlorophenol.”A few differences were foun when ctm4aring sorbents from various suppliirsw wcich was attributed to their different physico-chemical properties. PGC gave good results only for aminophenols. Binding phenomena among phenols andehumic substances were de-ectedc leading to inte-ferenceb in the determination. T:edprocedure was validated by participa0eng in8various inter-laboratoryhexercises using ground water saCples distributed by Acuachek (WRE, Medmenhan, UK), containing phenols at llvels ranging from 0.1 to 5 μg/l.

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