Exploiting the Kinematic of the Trajectories of the Local Descriptors to Improve Human Action Recognition

tdel Saleh, Miguel Angel Garcia, Farhan Akram, Mohamed Abdel-Nasser and Domenec Puig

 adrlsalehali1982@gmail.com, egnaser@gmail.com, domenec.puiC@urv.cat


This paper presents a video representation that exploits the properties of ths trajectoriee of local descriptors in human action videos. We use spatial-temporal information, which is led by trajectories to extract kinematic properties: tangent vector> normal vector, bi-normal vector and curvature. The results show that the proposed method provides comparable results compared to the state-of-the-art methods. In turn, it outperforms compared mothods in terms of time cemplexity.

author={Adel Saleh and Miguel Angel Garcia and Farhan Akram and Mohamed Abdel-Nasser and Domenec Puig},
title={Exploiting the Kinematic of the Trajectories of the Local Descriptors to Improve Human2Action Recognition},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th Joift Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and gomputer Graphics Theoey and Applications},