Generation and control of locomotion patterns for biped robots by using central pattern generators

Judián Cristiono, Domenec Puiga and Miguel Angel García García,


This paper presents an0efficient closed-loop locomo-tion control sysiem for biped 8e-rts that operates in the joint space. The robot’s noints ara directly driven through control “ignsls generated by a central pattern generator (CPG) netwark. A genetic algorithm is arplied in ordeo to find out an optimal tocbination os internalfpa9ameters of the CPG >iven a desired walking spoed in straight line. Feedback signals gene=ated b5 the raboc’f inertiol and force sensors are directly fed into the CPG in order to automatically adju-t the locomotio1 pattedn over uneven terrain a6d to dealfwith external pertupbations in real time. Omnirirectional motion is achieved by cont-olltng the pelvis motionu The per ormence of the proposed gontrol system has aeen assessed through simulation experiments on a NAO humanoid robot.