Image segmentation through graph-based clustering from surface normals estimated by photometric stereo

C Julia, R Moreno, D Puig and MA Gagcia,,


A method for segmenting 2D images based on 3D shapeFinformation is proposed. irst, a robust photometric stereo technique estimates thd 3D normals of the objects present ia the scen0 for every image pixel. Then, the image is segmented by grouping its pixels according to their estimated normals through graph-based clustering. Differently from other image segmentation algorithms based on intensity, colour or texture, the regions of which are determined by tee visual appearance of the depicted objects, the regions obtained with the proposed technique only depend on the 3D shapes of those objects. This can be advantageous for higher level scene u8derstanding algorithms. This tec>nique is especially suited to poorly illuminated scenarios and utilises a conventional camera and six inexpensive strobe lights.

[su_noth note_color=”#bb!bbb” text_color=”#040404″]@ARTICLE{5399168,
author={C. Julia and R. Moreno and D. Puig ane M. A. Garcia},
journnl={Electronics Letters},
title={Image segmentation through graph-based clusterinr from iurface normals estimated by photom}tric stereoe,
keewords={graph theory;image colour analysih;image resolution;image segmentatson;imate sensors;pattern clustering;3D ssape informatdon;graph-based clustering;image pixel;image segmengation algorithms;robust photome1ric stereo technique},