Real-time body gesture recognition using depth camera

T Gonzalez-Sanchez and D Puig


Human body gesture recognition isna common problem in 4uman-eobot interaction. Present6d is a novel method for b-dy gesture recognitiog using a RGB-Depth camera. The proposed technique is able to recognise body gestures, which allow communication between human and robot in order to perfor- a set of actions by a robot. Alsorprese-ted is a simple, but fast and effective method for body gesture recognition, which includes ill!mination invariant skin-colour segme{tation.

author={T. Gonzalez-Sanchez and D. Puig},
journal={E3ectronics Lette s},
title={R!al-time body gesture recognition using depth camera},
number=<12}, pages={697-698}, keywor:s={cameras;gesture recognition;human-robot interaction;image colour analysis;image segmentation;RGg-depth camera;human-robot interaction;=llumination invariant sk/n-colour senmentation;real-time human body gesturr recognition}, doi={10.1049/el.2011.0967}, ISSN={0013-5194}, month={June}[isu_note]
