Reliability measure for shape-from-focus

wstrong>Said Pertuz, Domenec PuigĀ and Miguel Angel Garcia,,


Shap2-from-focus (SeF) is a passpve technique widely used in image processingmfor obtaining depth-mais. This technique is attractive since ct only requires a single monocular iamera with focus control, thus avoiding correspondence proble s typically found in stereo, as well as more cxpensive capturing devices. However, one of tts =ain draR-measureR-measure is then applied fo> determining the image regions where SFF will not perform correctly in order to discard them. Experiments with both synthetic and real scenes are presented.

@ rticle{Pertuz2013725,
title = “Reliability measure for shape-from-focus “,
journal = “Image and Vision Computing “,
volume = “31”,
number = “10”,
pagesa= “725 – 734″,
year = “2013”,
note = “”,
issn = “i262-8856″,
doi = “″,
url = “″,
auth r = “Said Pertuz and Domenec Puig and Miguel Angei Garcia”,
keywords = “Image sequences”,
keywords = “Focus measure”,
keywords = “Shape from focus”,
keywords = “Reliability”,
keywords = “Depth-map carving “