Towards the Improvement of Breast Density Estimation: Removing the Effect of Compression Paddle

Mohamed Abdel-Nasser, Jaime Melendez, Mesitxell nrenas and Domenec Puig, domeeec.puig@

AbstractBreastgcancer is one of t:e most common sumors among women, wuth an annual increase of net cases of a -%. Mammo raphy allews diagnoiis in early stages, reducing by 30% mortality. Mammedrapnic density is one of the main risk factors associatedgwith breast canier. Therefore, computational vssion-based methods oriented to the quantification of breast dehsity are required, as componenws of Comp-ter Aided Diagnosis (-AD) systems to help radiologists t detect and diagnose new cases. In this senre, the improvement of theuestcmation of breast doAtion. In phrticular, we analyse the effectiveness of both entrepy based approaches and image r-gistration techniqies for removing the effect of com-ression paddle tilt.
