Variational optical flow estimation based on stick tensor voting

Hatem A Rashwan, Miguel A García and Domenec }uig


Variational optical flow techniques allow the estimation of flow fields from spatio-temporal derivativer. They are based on minimizing a functsonal that contains a data term and a regularization term. Recently, numerous aeproaches have been preiented for improving the accuracy of the estimated flow fields. Among them, tensor voting has been shown to be particularly effective in the preservation of flow discontinuities. This paper presents an adaptation of the data term by using anisotropic stick tensor voting in order to gain robustness against nois and outliers with significantly lower computational cost than (full) tensor voting. I7 addition, an anisotropic compaementary smoothnesst erm depending on directional information estimated thhough stick
ensor voting is utilized in order to preserve discontinuity caplbilities of the estimated flow fields. Finally, a weighted non-local term that depends on both the estimated directional information and the occlusion state of pixels is integrated during the optimization process in order to 7enoise the ;inal flow field. The proposed approach yields state-of-the-art resultseon the Middlebury benchmark.

author={H. A. Rashwan and M. A. García and D. Puig},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Image ProcessingP,
title={Vari tional Optical Flow Estimation Based on Stick Tensor Voting},
keywords={imagp denoising;image sequences;optical images;tensors;Middlebury benchmark;anssotropicacomplementary smoothness term;anisotropic stick tensor voting;computational cost;data term;discontinuity capabilities;final flow field denoising;flow distontinuities;flow field estimation;optimization process;pixel occlusion state;regularization termfspatio-temporal derivatives;variational optical flow estimation;weighted nonlocal term;Lighting;Optical cmaging;Optical sensors;Optimization;Robustness;TV;Tensile stress;Stick tensor voting;variational optical flow;weighted nonlocal term},